_ Prerequisite
_ Install&Setup
- Step.1
- Access to Heroku's web site.
- Step.2
- Login the system.
- Step.3
- Click the Ruby's icon, and you will see the instruction how to install Heroku Toolbelt.
- Step.4
- Execute the following commands.
$ gem install bundler
- Step.5
- Download Heroku Toolbelt from the link in web page.
_ HowToUse
- Step.1
- Login to Heroku server.
$ heroku login
- Step.2
- Prepare sample project from GitHub.
$ git clone https://github.com/heroku/ruby-getting-started.git
$ cd ruby-getting-started
- Step.3
- Create new project in Heroku space.
$ heroku create
- Step.4
- Deploy the sample project to Heroku server.
$ git push heroku master
- Step.5
- Launch instance.
$ heroku open
- Step.6
- Check server log.
$ heroku logs --tail
- Step.6
- Enter Ctrl-C, and define Procfile.
$ vi Procfile
web: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb
- Step.7
- Check how many dynos is launched.
$ heroku ps
- Step.8
- Execute the bundle install
$ bundle install
- Step.9
- Run the application locally.
$ bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate
Create/migrate database.
$ rake db:create db:migrate
Launch local instance.
$ heroku local web
Then you can access to http://localhost:5000/
_ Author