#contents *Prerequisite [#y05304d9] -Docker installation (You can refer [[HowToUse/Docker/1.11]]) *Install&Setup [#p26f101d] :Step.1| Create docker image for caffe. $ git clone https://github.com/BVLC/caffe.git $ sudo docker build -t caffe:cpu standalone/cpu :Step.2| Test if the docker image can run as expected. $ sudo docker run -ti caffe:cpu caffe --version If there is no problem, you would see the message like the followings. libdc1394 error: Failed to initialize libdc1394 caffe version 1.0.0-rc3 *HowToUse [#c3072925] :Step.1| Launch docker process. $ sudo docker run -ti --name <container name> caffe:cpu bash :Step.2| Compile the executables. # cd ${CAFFE_ROOT} # cp Makefile.config.example Makefile.config # vi Makefile.config ... CPU_ONLY: 1 ... CUSTOM_CXX: g++ ... # make # make test # make runtest :Step.3| Prepare sample images. $ cd ${CAFFE_ROOT}/data/mnist $ ./get_mnist.sh $ cd ${CAFFE_ROOT} $ ./examples/mnist/create_mnist.sh :Step.4| Start the sample training. $ vi examples/mnist/lenet_solver.prototxt examples/mnist/lenet_solver.prototxt $ ./examples/mnist/train_lenet.sh *Author [#uc5b30ae] S.Yatsuzuka #back(back,center,0)