#contents *Prerequisite [#ed8d6f7b] -DockerHub account creation -GitHub account creation *Install&Setup [#xc9921a6] TBD *HowToUse [#xf3392d9] **Linking GitHub [#k9ccf80e] :Step.1| Access Docker Hub web site. :Step.2| Choose "Setting" menu and click "Linked Account & Services" link. :Step.3| Click "Link GitHub" and select "Public and Private (recommend)". #ref(LinkGitHub_fig1.png,,500x269,) :Step.4| Create a project which contains Docker file and push it to your GitHub space. :Step.5| Access Github web site, and move to your project space. :Step.6| Select "Setting" menu and click "Integration and service" link. :Step.7| Choose "Docker" from "Add service" menu. #ref(LinkGitHub_fig2.png,,500x269,) :Step.8| On your Docker Hub web page, click "Create Automated Build" menu. #ref(LinkGitHub_fig3.png,,500x269,) :Step.9| Choose GitHub. #ref(LinkGitHub_fig4.png,,500x269,) :Step.10| Choose your project which contains Dockerfile. #ref(LinkGitHub_fig5.png,,500x269,) :Step.11| Click "Create" button. #ref(LinkGitHub_fig6.png,,500x269,) :Step.12| Click "Build Settings" and specify Dockerfile path. #ref(LinkGitHub_fig7.png,,500x269,) :Step.13| Click "Trigger" button and "Save Changes". Then build process should be ran. #ref(LinkGitHub_fig8.png,,500x269,) *Author [#cd07bb23] S.Yatsuzuka #back(back,center,0)