- The added line is THIS COLOR.
- The deleted line is THIS COLOR.
- Go to HowToUse/Git/1.7.
*Install&Setup [#md5becfa]
**Install Git from Cygwin [#k4e04c5b]
**Configuration [#p822417b]
Step.1) Setup configuration as needed.
$ git config --global color.ui true
$ git config --global user.name "<User Name>"
$ git config --global user.email "<Email address>"
$ git config --global core.editor <Editor>
$ git config --global alias.mylog "log --pretty=format:'%h %s [%an]' --graph"
Step.2) Setup .ignore as needed.
*HowToUse [#hd885861]
**General Operation [#q9061a8b]
Clone the repository
$ git clone <Remote Repository>
Create a new branch.
$ git checkout -b <Branch Name>
Edit files.
Stage updated files.
$ git add .
You can reset the updated files.
$ git reset HEAD
Commit the files.
$ git commit -m "<commit message>"
If you are using GitHub, you can close the issue with the following commit message.
$ git commit -m "Close #<issue no>"
Merge the commited files into master.
$ git checkout master
$ git merge <Branch Name>
Remove the branch.
$ git branch -d <Branch Name>
Push the files to remote server.
$ git push
**Use original Git Server [#r8596e41]
***Setup the Git Server [#pcb92f91]
**Setup Repository server [#pcb92f91]
***Original Git Server [#r8596e41]
Refer [[HowToUse/Git Daemon/1.7]]
***Create Repository [#o328d5d8]
***GitHub [#i8b73466]
:Step.1|Access the GitHub web site and sign up(https://github.com/).
:Step.2|Click "create" button and create new repository.
***BitBucket [#n0e61de8]
:Step.1|Access the BitBucket web site and sign up(https://bitbucket.org/).
:Step.2|Click "create" button and create new repository.
**Create Repository [#o328d5d8]
***Original Git Server [#v031ee11]
:Step.1|Create your local repository.
# mkdir <Local Repository>
# cd <Local Repository>
# git init
# git remote add origin <User Name>@<Host name>:<Repository Path>
# git remote add origin syatsuzuka@
:Step.2|Check in the first file.
# touch readme.txt
# git add readme.txt
# git commit -m 'Initial commit'
# git push -u origin master
**Use GitHub [#w505603b]
***Sign up the GitHub [#ha159fd9]
:Step.1|Access the GitHub web site and sign up(https://github.com/).
:Step.2|Click "create" button and create new repository.
***Create Repository [#eeb45dca]
***GitHub [#w505603b]
:Step.1|Create your local repository.
# mkdir <Local Repository>
# cd <Locak Repository>
# git init
# git remote add origin https://<User Name>@github.com/<User Name>/<Repository Name>.git
# git remote add origin https://github.com/syatsuzuka/test.git
:Step.2|Check in the first file.
# touch readme.txt
# git add readme.txt
# git commit -m 'Initial commit'
# git push -u origin master
**Use BitBucket [#j1eba035]
***Sign up the BitBucket [#n0e61de8]
:Step.1|Access the BitBucket web site and sign up(https://bitbucket.org/).
:Step.2|Click "create" button and create new repository.
***Create Repository [#fd616f93]
***BitBucket [#m2115638]
:Step.1|Create your local repository.
# mkdir <Local Repository>
# cd <Locak Repository>
# git init
# git remote add origin https://<User Name>@bitbucket.org/<User Name>/<Repository Name>.git
# git remote add origin https://syatsuzuka@bitbucket.org/syatsuzuka/test.git
:Step.2|Check in the first file.
# touch readme.txt
# git add readme.txt
# git commit -m 'Initial commit'
# git push -u origin master
***Maintain the files in remote Repository [#ia5caee3]
**Maintain files [#va661c8e]
***Comand Line [#o747a64f]
:Step.1|Clone the existing repository to local
$ git pull <Repository Path>
:Step.2|Edit and check in the files to local repository
(edit files)
$ git add .
$ git commit -m '<message>'
:Step.3|Push the updated file to remote repository
# git tag -a <version> -m '<description>'
# git pull origin
# git push origin
When you encounter "Fatal Error" to upload files to GitHub, you may be able to deal with the following operations.
$ git remote set-url origin https://<your github account>@<your github repository path>
$ git remote set-url origin https://syatsuzuka@github.com/nasebanal/co-working.git
$ git push origin
***Eclipse [#pd8cafe5]
:Step.1|Clone the remote repository.
# git clone <Repository Path>
# git clone https://syatsuzuka@bitbucket.org/syatsuzuka/test.git
:Step.2|Launch Eclipse and switch to Git Perspective.
:Step.3|Click "Add an existing local Git repository" and setup Local Repository Path.
:Step.4|Edit the files.
:Step.5|Commit and push the modified files.
Eclipse Plugin sometimes doesn't have full functionalities for the external utilities such as maven or git, so I recommend you to use command line for fundamental operations except for editing files.
# git add <Modified Files>
# git commit -m '<Commit Log>'
# git tag -a <version> -m '<description>'
# git pull origin
# git push origin
**Further Operation [#z2d0b6d6]
**Other operations [#s86f627a]
***Maintain submodule [#n36c1f6e]
:Step.1|Get submodule in the workspace.
# git submodule <repository path> <submodule directory>
Then you can include submodules to your project without maintaining version control for its submodule code.
*Author [#v4f30f2e]