#contents *Prerequisite [#w591b473] -Ubuntu Server installation (You can refer [[HowToUse/UbuntuServer/14.04]]) -Google App Engine SDK installation (You can refer [[HowToUse/Python/2.7/GoogleAppEngine/1.9/]]) -Google App Engine SDK installation (You can refer [[HowToUse/Python/2.7/GoogleAppEngine/1.9]]) *Install&Setup [#uae90a84] :Step.1| Get source code. $ git clone <Hacker Dojo project> (Example) $ git clone https://github.com/hackerdojo/hd-events :Step.2| Test in local environment. $ dev_appserver.py . :Step.3| Create new project on the console of Google App Engine, and determine the unique name for the application. :Step.4| Update the application name in app.yaml determined in Step.3. :Step.5| Deploy the application. $ appcfg.py update . *HowToUse [#t77b21be] TBD *Author [#x60d7768] S.Yatsuzuka