#contents *Prerequisite [#s6b92995] -CentOS installation (You can refer [[HowToUse/CentOS/6.5]]) -Java installation (You can refer [[HowToUse/Java/1.8]]) *Install&Setup [#md469a67] :Step.1| Create user account for Hadoop. $ sudo useradd hadoop $ sudo passwd hadoop :Step.2| Download source files from [[here:http://hadoop.apache.org/]] and unarchive the file. $ wget http://ftp.meisei-u.ac.jp/mirror/apache/dist/hadoop/common/hadoop-3.0.0-alpha1/hadoop-3.0.0-alpha1.tar.gz $ tar xzvf hadoop-3.0.0-alpha1.tar.gz $ mv hadoop-3.0.0-alpha1 /usr/local $ chown -R hadoop:hadoop /usr/local/hadoop-3.0.0-alpha1 :Step.3| Setup environmental variables in .bashrc. $ vi ~/.bashrc export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0 export HADOOP_INSTALL=/usr/share/hadoop-3.0.0-alpha1 export PATH=$HADOOP_INSTALL/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar *HowToUse [#sa395ad0] **Run Standalone mode [#o3068ad3] :Step.1| Prepare input files. $ mkdir input $ vi input/file01 Hello world! :Step.2| Execute hadoop process using sample jar file. $ hadoop jar /usr/share/hadoop-3.0.0-alpha1/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-3.0.0-alpha1.jar grep input output 'Hello+' **Run Pseudo-distributed mode [#na44bfde] :Step.1| Edit conf files. $ vi $HADOOP_INSTALL/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml <configuration> <property> <name>fs.defaultFS</name> <value>hdfs://localhost:9000</value> </property> </configuration> $ vi $HADOOP_INSTALL/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml <configuration> <property> <name>dfs.replication</name> <value>1</value> </property> </configuration> You can refer sample from [[here:https://github.com/osssv/osssv-helloworld/tree/master/hadoop/3.0/conf]] :Step.2| Setup key and check if you can access localhost without password. $ ssh-keygen -t rsa $ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys $ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys $ ssh localhost :Step.3| Format file systems for hdfs. $ hdfs namenode -format Then you can find new files below. $ ls /tmp/hadoop-hadoop/dfs/name/ :Step.4| Start NameNode daemon and DataNode daemon. $ $HADOOP_INSTALL/sbin/start-dfs.s :Step.5| Access web interface from http://localhost:9870/ **Create Sample Code [#l8262093] :Step.1| Create Hadoop code. $ vi WordCount.java You can see sample code from [[here:https://github.com/osssv/osssv-helloworld/blob/master/hadoop/3.0/src/WordCount.java]] :Step.2| Compile sample code and create jar file. $ hadoop com.sun.tools.javac.Main WordCount.java $ jar cf wc.jar WordCount*.class :Step.3| Prepare input files for WordCount. $ mkdir input $ vi input/file01 $ vi input/file02 You can see sample code from [[here:https://github.com/osssv/osssv-helloworld/tree/master/hadoop/3.0/input]] :Step.4| Execute hadoop job for WordCount. $ hadoop jar wc.jar WordCount ../input/ ../output Then you will see output in output directory as below. [hadoop@localhost work]$ ls output/ _SUCCESS part-r-00000 $ vi output/part-r-00000 Bye 1 Goodbye 1 Hadoop 2 Hello 2 World 2 *Author [#p28646ff] S.Yatsuzuka