#contents *Prerequisite [#a55d97e1] -Jenkins (You can refer [[HowToUse/Jenkins/1.594]]) -Maven (You can refer [[HowToUse/Maven/3.2]]) -Maven JavaNCSS plugin (You can refer [[HowToUse/Maven/3.2/JavaNCSS]]) *Install&Setup [#f0afd334] :Step.1| Click "Manage Jenkins" -> "Manage Plugins" link. :Step.2| Click "Available" tab. Select "JavaNCSS Plugins". Then install plugins and reboot Jenkins after installation. #ref(Install_fig1.png,,500x266,) :Step.3| Click "Configuration" link of target item, select "Publish JavaNCSS Report" from "Add post-build action" and set as follows. |LEFT:150|LEFT:300|LEFT:200|c |CENTER:Item|CENTER:Description|CENTER:Example|h |goal|Add "JavaNCSS" as goal|"javancss:report"| |LEFT:150|LEFT:300|LEFT:200|c |CENTER:Item|CENTER:Description|CENTER:Example|h |Checkstyle results|specify the path to checkstyle results file|"trunk/sample/target/javancss-raw-report.xml"| *HowToUse [#xc6574b4] :Step.1| Execute build and you can see test code graph. #ref(Result_fig1.png,,500x266,) #ref(Result_fig2.png,,500x266,) *Author [#s4cdc5c3] S.Yatsuzuka