#contents *Prerequisite [#b535f931] -Gmail account creation *Install&Setup [#b4052171] :Step.1| Open google cloudshell and create project :Step.2| Set default project name and computing zone $ gcloud config set project <Project Name> $ gcloud config set compute/zone <Compute Zone> (example) $ gcloud config set project test $ gcloud config set compute/zone us-west1-a :Step.3| Create clusterand get credential info $ gcloud container clusters create <Cluster Name> $ gcloud container clusters get-credentials <Cluster Name> (example) $ gcloud container clusters create sample $ gcloud container clusters get-credentials sample *HowToUse [#t8c1d640] **Deployment [#ub3aaaf8] :Step.1| Deploy application $ kubectl run <Deployment Name> --image <Image Name> --port <PortNum> (example) $ kubectl run hello-server --image gcr.io/google-samples/hello-app:1.0 --port 8080 :Step.2| Expose application $ kubectl expose deployment <Deploy Name> --type "LoadBalancer" (example) $ kubectl expose deployment hello-server --type "LoadBalancer" :Step.3| Check external IP and access to the application $ kubectl get service <Deploy Name> (example) $ kubectl get service hello-server Then you should be able to access deployed application from the following URL. http://<External IP>:8080 **Resize [#w84a6b84] :Step.1| You can stop/start service by changing the number of node. (stop) $ gcloud container clusters resize <Cluster Name> --size=0 (restart) $ gcloud container clusters resize <Cluster Name> --size=3 --zone us-west1-a *Author [#q59f0277] S.Yatsuzuka #back(back,center,0)