#contents *Prerequisite [#w5cace7d] -Ubuntu Server installation (You can refer [[HowToUse/UbuntuServer/14.02]]) *Install&Setup [#tfe78dd0] :Step.1| Download Anaconda installer from [[here:https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda2-4.6.14-Linux-x86_64.sh]] :Step.2| Execute installation. % bash Miniconda2-4.6.14-Linux-x86_64.sh :Step.3| load anaconda path. $ source ~/.bashrc Then you would be able to access the anaconda's files. *HowToUse [#ta2df85d] **Create a new project [#y59b013b] :Step.1| Create new project. $ conda create -n <project name> python=<python version> ex) $ conda create -n sample python=2.7.9 :Step.2| Activate the new project. $ source activate <project name> ex) $ source activate sample :Step.3| You can check what projects you have by the following command. $ conda env list **Manage modules. [#ca5d2dd9] :Step.1| Check the installed module. $ conda list :Step.2| Install a new module. $ conda install <module name> :Step.3| Update the modules. $ conda update <module name> **Remove conda environment [#tf29e5db] :Step.1| Execute the following command. $ conda remove --name <project name> --all *Author [#o3573718] S.Yatsuzuka #back(back,center,0)