#contents *Prerequisite [#x8a031e4] -VirtualBox installation (You can refer [[Overall/VirtualBox]]) *Install&Setup [#dec116aa] :Step.1|Download ISO file from http://openindiana.org/download/. For newbie, I recommend to download "DVD image". :Step.2|Launch installer and click enter for the first dialog. #ref(Install_fig1.png,,500x375,) :Step.3|Select Keybord layout. #ref(Install_fig2.png,,500x375,) :Step.4|Select Language. #ref(Install_fig3.png,,500x375,) Then you can use OpenIndiana. You can connect to the internet by default using the host OS's network device. #ref(Install_fig4.png,,500x375,) :Step.5|Shutdown system once. $ sudo shutdown 0 :Step.6|Click "Setting" menu in the main window of Virtual Box, and select "Storage". :Step.7|Select Disk icon and check "Live CD/DVD" box so that you can unmount disk after you installed ISO image to hard disk at a later procedure. :Step.8|Launch OpenIndiana once again. :Step.9|Double click "Install OpenIndiana" which is located on the desktop of OpenIndiana. :Step.10|Select partition setting as you like, and complete installation. After this, you can unmount DVD disk image, and your OpenIndiana will be launched with your local virtual box file. *HowToUse [#u003fedc] :Step.1| TBD *Author [#sb7e2951] S.Yatsuzuka