#contents *Prerequisite [#t40acca6] -Windows 10 installation -R installation (You can refer [[HowToUse/R/3.3]]) -Git installation if you want to work on GitHub (You can refer [[[HowToUse/Git/2.10]]) -Git installation if you want to work on GitHub (You can refer [[HowToUse/Git/2.10]]) -GitHub account setting if you want to work on GitHub (You can refer [[HowToUse/Git/1.7]]) *Install&Setup [#i2199596] :Step.1| Download RStudio from [[official site:https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/]] :Step.2| Double click the download file, and proceed installation. :Step.3| Launch RStudio, and choose the version of R to use. #ref(Install_fig1.png) *HowToUse [#o774ed0e] **Run R script [#l8b0fee8] :Step.1| Copy the following script to the script window. height<-c(58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72) weight<-c(115,117,120,123,126,129,132,135,139,142,146,150,154,159,164) mean(height) sd(weight) cor(weight,height) plot(weight,height) :Step.2| Select all source and click "Run" button. Then you will see the following output. #ref(RunR_fig1.png,,500x269,) **Work on GitHub repository [#qebf73e8] :Step.1| Prepare a project on GitHub. :Step.2| Launch RStudio. #ref(UseGitHub_fig1.png,,500x375,) :Step.3| Click "new project" (File -> New Project) :Step.4| Choose "Version Control->Git" #ref(UseGitHub_fig2.png,,500x375,) #ref(UseGitHub_fig3.png,,500x375,) :Step.5| Enter GitHub repository information and click "Create project" button. #ref(UseGitHub_fig4.png,,500x375,) *Author [#x9e0643a] S.Yatsuzuka