#contents *Prerequisite [#w7a3b6fb] -Ubuntu Server installation (You can refer [[HowToUse/UbuntuServer/14.04]]) -Ruby On Rails installation (You can refer [[HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.1]]) -PostgreSQL installation (You can refer [[HowToUse/PostgreSQL/9.3]]) *Install&Setup [#qaf6bfa7] :Step.1| Check the version of installed postgresql. $ su - postgres $ psql --version :Step.2| Install module. $ sudo apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-9.3 *HowToUse [#i549396c] :Step.1| Create rails project. $ rails new <project name> --database=postgresql (Example) $ rails new sample --database=postgresql :Step.2| Edit Gemfile. $ vi Gemfile gem 'therubyracer', platforms: :ruby ... gem 'execjs' (You can see sample from [[here:https://github.com/osssv/osssv-helloworld/blob/master/rubyonrails/4.2/postgresql/9.3/sample/Gemfile]]) :Step.3| Install gems. $ bundle install :Step.4| Update pg_hba.conf from "peer" to "trust" so that other user than postgres can access database as exepected. $ su - postgres (Ubuntu Server) $ cd /etc/postgres/9.3/main (Redhat Linux) $ cd /var/lib/pgsql92/data/ $ vi pg_hba.conf local all postgres trust local all all trust :Step.5| Restart postgres daemon. $ /etc/init.d/postgres restart :Step.6| Create DB user for application. $ su - postgres $ psql -d postgres postgres=# create role <user_name> login createdb; postgres=# \q (Example) postgres=# create role sample login createdb; :Step.7| Edit database configuration for rails application. Put the same user name as you created in postgres database. $ vi config/database.yml default: ... username: <user_name> (Example) username: sample (You can see sample from [[here:https://github.com/osssv/osssv-helloworld/blob/master/rubyonrails/4.2/postgresql/9.3/sample/config/database.yml]]) :Step.8| Create new controller for welcome page. (Example) $ rails generate controller welcome :Step.9| Create welcome page. (Example) $ vi app/views/welcome/index.html.erb <h2>Hello World</h2> <p> <a href="/users">user list</a> <br> <%= Time.now %> </p> (You can see sample from [[here:https://github.com/osssv/osssv-helloworld/blob/master/rubyonrails/4.2/postgresql/9.3/sample/app/views/welcome/index.html.erb]]) :Step.11| Create User list. (Example) $ rails generate scaffold user :Step.10| Config routing setting $ vi config/routes.rb root 'welcome#index' Create and migrate initial database. $ rake db:create $ rake db:migrate :Step.9| Check if you can connect database from your rails application's user. $ rails dbconsole :Step.10| Launch server instance. $ rails s You will see the following window. #ref(CreateApps_fig1.png,,500x266,) And also, you can edit user list. #ref(CreateApps_fig2.png,,500x266,) *Author [#c979e935] S.Yatsuzuka