#contents *Overall Feature [#q26d7772] >Selenium IDE is a Firefox add-on that makes it easy to record and playback tests in Firefox 2+. You can even use it to generate code to run the tests with Selenium Remote Control. < RIGHT: refered from [[Selenium HQ - Selenium IDE:http://docs.seleniumhq.org/projects/ide/]] :File Composition :File Composition| #ref(Overall_fig2.png) :Window Image| #ref(Overall_fig1.png,,500x473,) *Specification [#adc1d4e8] |LEFT:100|LEFT:200|c |CENTER:ITEM|CENTER:DESCRIPTION|h |Main Developer|Shinya Kasatani| |License|Apache License 2.0| |OS|Cross-platform| |Written In|Java| |Official Site|http://www.seleniumhq.org| *HowToUse [#i08395dd] #ls2(HowToUse/Selenium IDE/) *Author [#ca19af79] S.Yatsuzuka