Hello World from OSS Silicon Valley
_ Prerequisite
- Chef installation (You can refer HowToUse/Chef/12.15)
- Ruby 2.3.1 installation
_ Install&Setup
- Step.1
- Install berkshelf gem. Berkshelf requires ruby >= 2.2.0.
$ gem install berks
_ HowToUse
- Step.1
- Open Berkshelf file in chef project directory and add cookbook name you wish to install.
$ vi Berksfile
site :opscode cookbook 'yum'
- Step.2
- Execute berk command.
$ berks vendor cookbooks
If you ommit "cookbooks", the directory "berks-cookbooks" would be created.
_ Author
Last-modified: 2016-11-06 (Sun) 07:51:25 (3029d)