Hello World from OSS Silicon Valley
_ Prerequisite
- CentOS installation (You can refer HowToUse/CentOS/6.5)
- Apache Web Server installation (You can refer HowToUse/Apache/2.4)
php5.5 requires httpd later than 2.4, so if you haven't installed httpd yet, it will install httpd2.4 automatically. In case you have already had older version of httpd, it may fail.
_ Install&Setup
- Step.1
- Setup repository path.
$ sudo rpm -Uvh https://mirror.webtatic.com/yum/el6/latest.rpm
- Step.2
- Uninstall php-common-5.3 to avoid conflict with php-common-5.5.
$ sudo yum remove php-common-5.3*
- Step.3
- Install php 5.5.
$ sudo yum install php55w php55w-opcache
Or you can use the following command.
$ sudo yum install yum-plugin-replace $ sudo yum replace php-common --replace-with=php55w-common
_ Author
Last-modified: 2016-01-04 (Mon) 03:02:12 (3336d)