Hello World from OSS Silicon Valley
_ Overall Feature
TBD Ruby on Rails, or simply Rails, is an open source web application framework written in Ruby. Rails is a full-stack framework that emphasizes the use of well-known software engineering patterns and paradigms, including convention over configuration (CoC), don't repeat yourself (DRY), the active record pattern, and model–view–controller (MVC).
refered from Wikipedia - Ruby on Rails
- File Composition
. |-- app | |-- assets | |-- controllers | |-- helpers | |-- mailers | |-- models | `-- views |-- bin |-- config |-- config.ru |-- db |-- Gemfile |-- Gemfile.lock |-- lib |-- log |-- public |-- Rakefile |-- README.rdoc |-- test |-- tmp `-- vendor
_ Specification
Main Developer | Rails Core Team |
License | MIT |
OS | Cross-platform |
Written In | Ruby |
Official Site | http://rubyonrails.org/ |
_ HowToUse
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.1
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.1/SQLite
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2/Bootstrap/3.2
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2/Bootstrap/3.3
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2/Capybara/2.7
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2/FontAwesomeRails/4.6
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2/Heroku/2015
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2/Heroku/2015/R/3.2
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2/Heroku/2016/R/3.2
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2/HighCharts/1.5
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2/Omniauth/1.2
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2/PostgreSQL/9.2
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2/PostgreSQL/9.3
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2/RestClient/1.6
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2/RinRuby/2.0
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2/Rserve/3.2
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2/RSpec/3.4
- HowToUse/RubyOnRails/4.2/Whenever/0.9
_ Author
Last-modified: 2015-08-17 (Mon) 02:41:34 (3476d)